Herbs2Peel Treatments
herbs2peel - B-Peel
The herbs2peel B-Peel is an ‘Entry Peel Level’ - providing a gentle skin resurfacingmethod, which regenerates the skin, based on the highly effective pure herbs. Thetreatment provides an entry-level protocol, that is customised to the clients’ specificskin requirements. The powerful herbal composition is combined with a ‘gel’ andmassaged into the upper layers of the skin, which dissolve over the course of 48-hours. During this time, the herbs release their nutritional properties, to provide animmediate glow and plumping effect on the skin. The effective 1-day procedure is anatural kick-starter to great looking skin, with no downtime or visual peeling. The keyingredients, such as Sage, Horsetail, Lungwort, Spirulina and Fenugreek which helpcombat the 5-primary skin conditions, providing a preventative anti-ageing solution.
Recommended for: Oily, congested, dehydrated, sensitised, fatigued and pre-matureaged skin.
Duration: 45-minutes
herbs2peel - P-Peel
The herbs2peel P-Peel is a ‘Medium Peel Level’ – providing a milder skin resurfacingmethod, which regenerates the skin, based on the highly effective pure herbs! Theherbal composition is combined with a ‘Lotion’ and massaged into epidermal layers ofthe skin, which dissolve over the course of 48-hours. During this time, the herbsrelease their nutritional properties, to provide an immediate glow and plumping effecton the skin. The key ingredients i.e., Sage, Horsetail, Lungwort, Spirulina andFenugreek, provide a noninvasive removal of the uppermost layers of the skin. Thepeel protocol does not contain any synthetic acids, chemicals, or abrasives andimproves the appearance of many skin conditions, providing superior long-lastingresults!
Recommended for: Problematic, open pores, Hyperpigmentation, sun damage, finelines, wrinkles and Rosacea.
Duration: 50-minutes
herbs2peel - C Peel
The herbs2peel C-Peel is a ‘Deep Peel Level’ resulting in new skin-in-5 days! Thiscorrective skin resurfacing method regenerates the skin at a deeper level and isbased on highly effective pure herbs. The herbal composition is combined with a‘lotion’ and massaged into epidermal layers of the skin, which dissolve over thecourse of 48-hours. During this time, the herbs release their nutritional properties toprovide an immediate glow and plumping effect on the skin. The C-Peel treatmentspeeds up the natural cell turnover - from 30-days to just 5-days, resulting in theappearance of brand-new skin, which is suited to the deepest set conditions i.e.,acne, pigmentation, sun damage and is effective on the deepest lines and wrinkles.The C-Peel treatment also provides clients with home care products and a post-peeltreatment to reveal new skin in 5-days!
Recommended for: Acne, sun damage, aged, saggy contours, scarring, cellulite and stretch marks.
Duration: 60-minutes
Retinol Kick
The Retinol Kick Treatment - features the Alex Cosmetic range of products, which actholistically to combine the best of nature with scientifically proven formulas that areinnovative in providing complete solutions for every skin type. The Retinol Kicktreatment aims to effectively treat and correct tired sun-damaged and ageing skintypes, providing cell renewal, collagen production to regenerate the skin resulting ina glowing, hydrated smoother complexion.
Recommended for: Fatigued, pre-matured aged and sun-damaged.
Duration: 50-minutes
Thermo Detox Lift
The Thermo Detox Lift Treatment - features the Alex Cosmetic range of products,which act holistically, to combine the best of nature, with scientifically provenformulas that are innovative in providing complete solutions for every skin type.
The Thermo Detox Lift treatment aims to effectively treat and correct sallow,congested and unbalanced skin types, to successfully purify, repair, rebalance theskins collagen structure – resulting in a more lifted, firmer and hydrated skincomplexion.
Recommended for: Fatigued, unbalanced, oily, congested and combination skin.
Duration: 50-minutes
Nourishing Lift & Repair
The Nourishing Lift & Repair Treatment - features the Alex Cosmetic range ofproducts, which act holistically, to combine the best of nature, with scientificallyproven formulas that are innovative in providing complete solutions for every skintype. The Nourishing Lift & Repair aims to effectively treat and correct inflamed,sensitised, thin and vulnerable skin types, to repair, rebuild and regenerate the skins’structure – resulting in a firmer, calmer, hydrated skin complexion.
Recommended for: Sensitised, reactive, inflamed, thin and damaged.
Duration: 50-minutes
Classic Beauty
The Classic Beauty Treatment - features the Alex Cosmetic range of products, whichact holistically to combine the best of nature, with scientifically proven formulas thatare innovative in providing complete solutions for every skin type. The Classic Beautytreatment aims to effectively treat and correct dry, dehydrated lacklustre skin, inneed of intense moisture. It successfully re-hydrates, re-balances and infuses intensemoisture – resulting in a smooth supple, hydrated complexion.
Recommended for: Dry, dehydrated, moisture loss and combination skin.
Duration: 50-minutes